วันอาทิตย์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

*BEST LYRIC // If I Ain't Got U..

The best lyric for me is "If i ain't got you" was performed by Alicia Keys ;American R&B/soul singer and pianist. This song is in The Diary Of Alicia Keys album. It is second studio album of her, released on Decemder 2,2003 in United States. In 2005, it went on to win the Grammy Award for best R&B album as well as earning Keys other two awards. One is Best Female R&B Vocal Performance for "IF I AIN'T GOT YOU"


BY: Alicia Keys

Some people live for the fortune
Some people live just for the fame
Some people live for the power, yeah
Some people live just to play the game
Some people think that the physical things
Define what's within
And I've been there before
But that life's a bore
So full of the superficial

Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, Yeah

Some people search for a fountain

That promises forever young
Some people need three dozen roses
And that's the only way to prove you love them
Hand me the world on a silver platter
And what good would it be
With no one to share
With no one who truly cares for me

Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, you, you
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, yeah

If I ain't got you with me baby
So nothing in this whole wide world don't mean a thing
If I ain't got you with me baby


I like this song because the meaning of song is so wonderful , i think it could be suitable to people who is inlove. Specially for this sentence "evreything means nothing if I ain't got you~u.." It makes me feel comply with its. Furthermore the meaning is easy to understand, it is not complicated but it become profound. This song told me about the truth of human in this world , another people want another things. But somepeople just want love.

In addition, the song was performed by my favorite singer ALICIA KEYS. She is so cool , good singer, good producer and good song-writter,too. She has many side of ability. Her songs go on to the top billboard chart all along. Many song of her is very popular. Her vioce is so pleasant espeacially it consist of nice lyric. So I love it.

วันเสาร์ที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551


I took a psychology class this semester. The course is about personality adjustment and development. Teacher has asked all students to write a journal related to materials taught in class. It can be applicable as well as abstract writing.

So anyway, I'm writing such journal here so I could come back and get this journal when I needed to hand it in. It has been a while since the last time I have anything meaningful written up in this blog. This could be a very good tool to comply with what the teacher asks me to do.

My class on the past Friday was about realizing what you are. She asks everyone to draw or do anything with a blank A4 paper that would best communicate everyone's pictures of what their lives are. After everyone finished with the drawing part, we all have to tell the class what are the meanings of pictures or signs or anything in the paper and how those pictures represent our lives or our perspectives.

It was quite interesting to learn that many people shared one common view or perspective towards life and other people around them. I, myself, was included in one of those many people believing that people wear masks. They hide their true selves behind the mask, and they only take off such mask when they are with people they feel safe to be with.

I believe that someone might even hide behind his or her mask and never really take it off until he or she is alone. Why do we share this same perspective towards others? I don't think it's a good thing that many people feel this way, but as hurtful as reality is, it really is happening in our community.

"Khunying Potjaman"

Khunying Potjaman Shinawatra is the wife of Ex-Prime Minister of Thailand, Thaksin Shinawatra. Potjaman is the great smart wife for Thaksin. She is the great supporter to help Thaksin since they don’t have any property and very poor. They have a lot of debt more over 100 million Baht (in past). Potjaman is back up for Thaksin’s commercial enterprises for long time ago.

When Thaksin found the political party name “Thai ruk Thai ” party and he was elected in highest score to be the first single political party government of Thailand for twice time election. She still has her power to control the government of Thailand, she had been play behind the scenes of her husband’s power and she can make decision rather than Thailand Prime-minister (Thaksin Shinawatra) while her husband still be the Prime-minister.. Till many people said that the government’s resolution will clear if Potjaman accept it. When the Shinawatras governed Thailand, they make a new and change the laws for many times to be in the same direction with their need. They are the rules for play and make advantages to the Shinawatras’s enterprises and corporations group.

In 2006, the Shinawatra family sold their entire stake in Shin Corporation to Temasek Holdings. The Shinawatra and Damapong (Potjaman family) families netted about 73 billion baht tax-free from the sale, using a regulation that made individuals who sell shares on the stock exchange exempt from capital gains tax. After that, Thaksin was deposed by a military coup. The junta-appointed Assets Examination Committee accused her of irregularities in the purchase of government-owned land which known as “Ratchadapisek land purchase bilk case”. Now the Ratchadapisek land case is currently in Supreme Court, division of criminal case of politicians.

In 2003, Financial Institutions Development Fund had set the Ratchadapisek land plots to auction for 33 Rai (13.2 Acre) the real price of this land are 4,200 million baht. Thaksin had sign accept with the announcement of FIDF to sale the Ratchadapisek land by an auction. He set the rule for auction by no minimum price for auction. Potjaman was won in that auction and bought it for just only 772 million baht (least more than real price for 6 times). After Potjaman won an auction, Thaksin had announce to cancel the rule that limitation about the height of construction on that land, which it make the land price was more increasing. It make his wife, Potjaman got the benefit from his announcement. After Thaksin was deposed, the Assets Examination Committee found the evidence for this case and assigns it to the Supreme Court, division of criminal case of politicians to sue Thaksin and Potjaman. The case is still on juridical process but now Thaksin and Potjaman was defect from Thailand to London, England, where they bring the money to buy the house and property as their safety fortress.


Today I have a lot of class. So when I arrived home, I do not want to do anything but sleep now, but I can’t. I have to do homework, which is due tomorrow. Now it is twelve o’clock already. Tomorrow I have morning class. How many hours can I sleep? I must be very sleepy tomorrow in the class. I really need a room to breath. There is always another homework coming up right after I finish the previous one. If I cannot finish this one, tomorrow there will be more to come and I have to work even harder. The only solution is that I have to finish homework as soon as possible so that I do not have to be hurry.

The final examination is also coming. I have to prepare for the exam soon. I think I should write a reading schedule because there are many courses I have to read. Actually, I am very worried about this exam because last semester I did it not well and it turned out that my grades were quite low. I usually did not read books until one week before the exam, but this time I think I will change my habit. I will read books from now on until the week of the exam. I will see if this way will give me a better result than last semester. If it works, I will keep doing it.


I really know the true meaning of words “tired”. Because of I am very tired today !!!. Last night, I reviewed the lesson for quiz today. I tired so much, but I couldn’t sleep without finishing reading the book. Today, I get up early with a lot of stress about test. I can’t remember something in textbook and I don’t have a time to answer the question. When I go into the class before one hour, I suddenly review the lesson again. I try to memorize. And, I must read outside reading book in the same time. It is very tiring!. After Finishing the quiz about 15:00 P.M.. I extremely tired so much more than before the test. By the way, I go to Siam with my friend for withdrawing my sum of money at Siam Commercial Bank. Then, I come home by own car. When I arrive, I sprawl on my soft bed. Close my eyes slowly but not sleep. I feel relaxed. Few minutes later, I have dinner with my mother. During having a dinner, I tell her about the quiz and everything which happen today that I am so tired, really!. Really tired. I don’t get this feeling before today.

Still I remember sometime in my brain and my heart. Something is “LABOR OMNIA VINCIN” This something always makes my feeling so special.

It is a slogan of my University. I pround to present it.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551


Today I go to THE MALL bangkapi with my friend. The reason that I want to go there is I want to see Hancock. I like Action movies and hi-tech graphic. I like an actor, Will Smith; he shows great every movies that he shows. He is a superstar. He gets many awards from a movie’s award for many years. He shows great in I-robot, Persuit of happiness.

I buy a pop-corn and food. I think when I see a movie and I eat pop-corn, it so happy and fine. I wait a movie about 25 minutes. Hancock would start at 14.00 P.M.

When a movie start, it about the world have the hero can do everything. He has a over power different from everyone. He likes to help every people that in danger but he not careful for everything. Example, He wants to help one person but he destroys a big building in the city so everyone hates him. He helps many people but he not care for everyone. One day he helps a person who is a good man and good heart. He thanks Hancock and teach Hancock to play safe when help a people, becarefull when fly in the air, do not crash a building and say polite conversation with people. He tries to do best. And people should accept him to be a hero.

I think this is a good movie. It teaches to live in a big society. If the world changes you should change for the world. If you not change to understand for society you should be alone. This is a good side for this movie. Other side I think this movie not good in middle part because I think it can not go on and I do not understand in last part. It interest first hours. But Will Smith is shows the best. I like him very much.

It is not real !!!

. . . (TT___TT) . . .

This week is so bad. It was terrible for me because I got diarrhea. It makes me feel torture so much. I defecate more than 4 times for day. During a day I have stomachache every time. In this reason, I can not go to university 3 days. I am really in a bad mood because I was absent in many class. In addition, my teacher assigned some work and project to his students in the class. I have missed two or three assignment already. I know, it is not a good start of the 1st semester. It is a pity that. I want to be get better soon. Before that I ate SOM-TUM. It is a sour relish with sliced papaya. SOM-TUM is one of my favorite’s foods. It is so delicious. But my mother think about this food got pain with me. However I don’t think so. Because I ate a lot of food except SOM-TUM.

However, during 3 days until I will recover the illness. I was stay at home. I have spent some time watching TV.

Recently, what interests me most is reality show on TV. The show is ACADAMY FANTASIA. It was very successful in terms of rating. Now, it is during season5. I think it is too fast between season 4 and season 5. Actually I do not like the show itself, but what I like is the way the show tries to get viewers involved. For example, every week one member of participants will be vote out by both other participants and viewers want to watch the show every week. Moreover, this kind of show also provides great marketing channels. For example the show can incorporate a new product into the show. This make the viewers know about a new product. The voting system used in the reality show also generates a lot of revenue. Sine the viewers have to vote via cell phone messaging every week, the cell phone company and the show can enjoy a lot of profits. Many viewers even vote several times a week. The profits generated must be huge.

However, from the viewer’s point of view, there are some suspicions about the reality show. First, there is a doubt that the reality show may be manipulated or scripted by the producers in order to make the show more exciting. Thus, the reality show does not really provide “real” situation. Second, when there is a serious situation, some of the participants in the show may do something too extreme to be showed to the public since the participants think they are in the situation that is very competitive and they would do anything in order to win the competition. The producers had to control the situation carefully so that the show does not “hurt” viewers, especially young viewers. These are just examples that I think recently about the reality show.
My friends ask me if I want to be a participant in the reality show. I can decide easily that I would rather be a viewer at home. I do not want to be under high pressure like that, although I realize that in the real world there will also be a high pressure. Personally, I just do not think the reality show is “real”.