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This week is so bad. It was terrible for me because I got diarrhea. It makes me feel torture so much. I defecate more than 4 times for day. During a day I have stomachache every time. In this reason, I can not go to university 3 days. I am really in a bad mood because I was absent in many class. In addition, my teacher assigned some work and project to his students in the class. I have missed two or three assignment already. I know, it is not a good start of the 1st semester. It is a pity that. I want to be get better soon. Before that I ate SOM-TUM. It is a sour relish with sliced papaya. SOM-TUM is one of my favorite’s foods. It is so delicious. But my mother think about this food got pain with me. However I don’t think so. Because I ate a lot of food except SOM-TUM.
However, during 3 days until I will recover the illness. I was stay at home. I have spent some time watching TV.

Recently, what interests me most is reality show on TV. The show is ACADAMY FANTASIA. It was very successful in terms of rating. Now, it is during season5. I think it is too fast between season 4 and season 5. Actually I do not like the show itself, but what I like is the way the show tries to get viewers involved. For example, every week one member of participants will be vote out by both other participants and viewers want to watch the show every week. Moreover, this kind of show also provides great marketing channels. For example the show can incorporate a new product into the show. This make the viewers know about a new product. The voting system used in the reality show also generates a lot of revenue. Sine the viewers have to vote via cell phone messaging every week, the cell phone company and the show can enjoy a lot of profits. Many viewers even vote several times a week. The profits generated must be huge.

However, from the viewer’s point of view, there are some suspicions about the reality show. First, there is a doubt that the reality show may be manipulated or scripted by the producers in order to make the show more exciting. Thus, the reality show does not really provide “real” situation. Second, when there is a serious situation, some of the participants in the show may do something too extreme to be showed to the public since the participants think they are in the situation that is very competitive and they would do anything in order to win the competition. The producers had to control the situation carefully so that the show does not “hurt” viewers, especially young viewers. These are just examples that I think recently about the reality show.
My friends ask me if I want to be a participant in the reality show. I can decide easily that I would rather be a viewer at home. I do not want to be under high pressure like that, although I realize that in the real world there will also be a high pressure. Personally, I just do not think the reality show is “real”.