This is 1st week to open semester. I am start studied third year. I feel a little excited because I want to meet freshman in my faculty. My faculty is law. It is not much people in there. Though a small faculty but we love together and have unity, too.

I want to have a new look for new semester because I believe about new me then I will got new thing come through my life. But it must be good thing. Another reason, I want to surprise my friends. So I was make up my mind went to barber for cut my hair and dye my hair at the same time. I love light-brown hair because it seems like sexy girl. But a real is impossible for me to be a sexy girl. My boyfriend told me about he want to see me in short hair style. He likes a bob style. I think with myself “Ohh!! I can not”. If I do that I will probably ugly and funny. So I can’t believe him. I decided to keep my hair to long. I don’t like short hair that different my boyfriend. It was come about argue with our opinion. Finally, I just told hairstylist “whatever that suit I”. It seems like to do as you like and want me are. First, I worry about it will not match with me. But when it was already I become like it, especially my hair color. It makes my face so bright. But my hair style looks like before. It was changed a little bit. However it’s OK. I more than half satisfied to do that. My friends don’t surprise about me because my hair still long. But never mind. At least, some friends still admire me. They told me “good looking” and someone told “not bad”. That makes me glad much already.
Besides, I want to go shopping. Shopping is my life. Every time was so h
appy when I shopping. This week I went to CENTRAIL Ladphraw to bought something that important to use for study such as, pen notebook pencil etc. They are all about stationery. At CENTRAIL have many cute things that I want. I love SARIO band. It is Japanese band. SARIO was very popular in most of girls. But as for textbook can not brought at there.

My teacher suggested me and every student about the greatest textbook for each subject of law. Most of textbook can buy at CHULA book center. There have many of books. I was so tried because CHULA book center very far from my house and my university. It’s near Siam-square that I often to go there though it’s too far. Besides, just bought the textbook, I bought a pair of shoes, bag and my accessory (earring ring wristlet bracelet), too. I got a lot of important things and many things seem like absurd but it is my passion. I am a fashion addicted.