วันอังคารที่ 11 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

*~ I Am Tired ~*

Today I was assigned a group work in BG1201 class. The teacher told us that each group should consist of four members. I grouped with my old friend and three of her friends. The strange thing was that I was the only boy in this group. I felt a little bit uncomfortable because I was afraid that I would be left out of the group. However, when I talked with the other members of the group, I felt more comfortable because they discussed about dividing work equally. Finally, we exchanged email address and telephone number so that we could contact each other about the group work.

Anyway, the work the teacher assigned us is that we have to write a short paragraph about what we think the story should be, continuing from what the novel left. In my opinion, this homework is quite challenging because we all have different opinions about the story. It must be difficult for us to agree on only one story. I have to read the novel and imagine what should happen next if I want the story to be happy-ending. I always love happy-ending story because I do not like the story that make me feel unclear, confused or curious what the story would be next. Now I really wonder what the other members will think if I tell them my opinion. I plan to do this homework after finish writing this journal. I hope it will not take so long time because today I feel very tired.

The reason that I am tired is because this afternoon I went to Siam-Square with my mother. It has been a while that I did not go shopping with my mother. I love shopping with her because she always gives me honest opinions about what I want to buy and, the most important reason, she pays for me. This afternoon I got new school uniforms, including shirts and skirts. Also, we went to have lunch together at my mother’s favorite restaurant in Siam-Square. I did not eat anything, though, because I am on diet. My mother was so helpful that she did not order my favorite food.

Today I had almost done one thing already, which is practicing my English skill by writing journal. This paragraph is the last paragraph before I take a rest and then start doing group work. I want to have a long sleep tonight because I got up so early this morning. Anyway, I think I can finish the group work early because I am good at imagine the story. The only concern is that I have to keep awaken when doing the homework.
